Palm Sunday Performance!

We cannot wait to share our Palm Sunday performance with you, your family, and your friends!

Our incredible actors, dancers, and singers have poured their hearts into bringing the story that kicks off Holy Week to life in a powerful and moving way.

Join us for a spectacular Sunday filled with passion, worship, and the celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entry. This is a moment you won’t want to miss—come and experience it with us!

Palm Sunday 2025 sunday April 13th

12199 Industrial Blvd, Victorville, CA

1st service


2nd service


3rd service


live online

10:15am & 12pm

Life Kids

Our amazing Children’s Ministry will be available during all services for children 3mths - 6th grade.


What should I wear?

We invite you to come as you are. Easter is a big celebration so you will see some families dressed up for the occasion, and others more casual. Whatever way you choose to celebrate you are welcome. 

What is the music like? And the message?

We are designed to worship God and our goal in experience and lyrics is to focus solely on Jesus. The style may vary from traditional to contemporary to rap to hymns, but the message is the same and the goal is to create an environment where you connect with God.


Click here to watch one of our messages.

How do I manage parking?

Please be patient while parking. We understand there may be an influx of members and visitors, more than our parking lot can sometimes allow. Our parking volunteers will be doing their best to assure you have a safe place to park and control the flow of traffic between services. You can also try attending the earliest service to avoid larger crowds.

What is your pastor like?

Funny. Thought Provoking. Vulnerable. Be prepared for a message that is convicting, practical and memorable, and always biblically based.


Click here for more info on our past0r.

What should I do with my kids?

There is no age too young to start learning the Bible and the truths of God’s Word. Our elementary programs are for ages 3 months to 6th grade and this Easter we have lots for them to do while you’re in service including Face Painting, Petting Zoo, and Learning about Jesus.


Click here for more info on our Life Kids Minstry.

I just don't think my life is right for church.

Our life is never “right for church” and that is exactly why we come together. We will never be right enough, and that is ok as long as we are taking steps in the right direction. Nothing in your past, present, or future is too big for God to get you through. And you don’t have to go through life alone, join us and get connected to community.


Click here to learn more about Life Church.